Pioneering a data-led approach to managing regulatory, legislative and compliance risks

BSG assisted a leading South African insurance and investment company to understand the South African and European regulatory landscape and define a list of applicable compliance initiatives that needed to be executed across the organisation to mitigate major financial and reputational risks, and meet regulatory requirements.


overview of the clients needs
  • Understand the South African and relevant European regulatory environment and the regulations applicable to the client
  • Understand the client’s compliance gaps across people, process, systems and data components
  • Create a roadmap to execute compliance initiatives against, meeting regulatory requirements and deadlines
  • Create a clear view of compliance gaps that may lead to regulatory fines using existing client and industry data
  • Outline business requirements to close these compliance gaps
  • Provide a practical approach and roadmap to implement these key compliance initiatives
  • Create and implement a regulatory operating model to ensure compliance going forward
  • Drive implementation of process, system and people related regulatory change
  • Reducing financial and reputational risk emanating from potential fines
  • Reduction in errors and omissions from a financial perspective due to automation of manual compliance checks
  • Seamless management of regulatory, legislative and compliance changes
  • Automation of business compliance requirements
  • Enhanced compliance business intelligence reporting
Leveraging existing client and industry data to create a view that closes compliance gaps, and mitigates major financial and reputational risks.

Do you need to mitigrate compliance risk?

BSG has the knowledge and experience to leverage existing client and industry data to create a view that closes compliance gaps, and mitigates major financial and reputational risks.

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